好好聽星球Shing02 + DJ A-1 Taiwan Tour售票開始!!!!!大家快來快來阿!!!!!
出身於日本並長久以來居住於英美兩地的成長背景,使得Shing02不僅擁有美日語雙棲的饒舌實力,加上他富饒韻味的詞曲創作以及風靡美台日地下Hip Hop樂界的舞台魅力,Shing02儼然成為最炙手可熱、每每表演都造成滿場轟動的日本underground hip hop首席饒舌歌手。Shing02因於2003年與日本Underground Hip Hop名音樂人Nujabes所合作的經典名曲Luv Sic.開始在台灣擁有許多樂迷,多年來除了自身所參與過的創作,Shing02也是許多知名音樂製作人的金牌御用饒舌歌手,並多次受邀Fuji Rock等各大知名音樂祭參加演出。2011年Shing02除了正在籌備個人首張全英文專輯"RxOxTxO"之外,4月更應好好聽星球計劃邀請,並表示將會與搭檔演出的DJ A-1為了台灣的樂迷,準備向逝世一週年的Underground Hip Hop製作人Nujabes致敬的特別演出!!!!!!!!!
Born in Tokyo, then raised in Tanzania and England, Shing02 came up in the independent SF Bay Area scene in the mid '90s. Over the course of his independent career, he has made the transition from sample-based music to live performances with a full band incorporating traditional instruments, all the while remaining true to hip hop roots. Besides releasing work for environmental documentary "Ashes to Honey" in 2011, he is working on first English album "RxOxTxO". In Taiwan, he'll return to a familiar 1MC + 1DJ format with a special tribute set to the late producer Nujabes.
Ever since emerging as the founding director of DJ crew "Spin Scaanlous" from San Francisco in 2002, DJ A-1 has actively showcased his talents through DJ performances, popular mix CD series, remixes, and soundtrack works. He is also known as the live DJ for Japanese MC Shing02, and the duo have rocked numerous clubs and festivals worldwide. His signature style features ambidextrous scratching and mesmerizing doubles using Serato Scratch Live. He often mega-mixes a medley of producers, which is instantly recognizable. DJ A-1's eclectic taste in music, coupled with unrivaled originality, always find a home in hip hop, where it all started for the self-proclaimed "one and only" representing Osaka, Japan.
時間:4/29(五) 00:00入場
票價:預售600 / 現場800
演出地點:這牆音樂藝文展演空間The WALL Live House
演出DJ/團體:Shing02 / DJ A-1DASU a.k.a GhettochildDJ CrrhercDoSoul拷秋勤